Short Movie / Pilot of Gnome Syndrome

In the official selection of the following Festivals


Very short International Film Festival 2009
(in the top 10 public vote in 25 cities worldwide)
Himeji Castle Festival 2009 (Japon)
Ciné Sans Filet Festival (France)
Tours Metrages Festival 2009 – Tours (France)
Extreme Short Festival 2009 – Seoul (Corea)
Shoot Me Festival 2009 – La Haye (Hollande)

This movie first was initially conceived as a short movie
whose success sparked the idea for a web series
that became the pilot of Gnome Syndrome.

France – Comedy – 2008 – 3 min 30 – Color
Language: French, subtitled in English.

Screenplay, directing, editing: Noah Nuer & Guillaume Moreels
Sound design: Thierry TH Desseaux & Albert Lucas
Music: Vegomatic Theme (Thierry Los)

More about



“Malicious, stubborn, impossible, cute… The Gnomes simplify our daily life most of the time… but can also drive us bananas. In the end, they will finally get what they deserve!”

Find a lot more information and bonuses on the Gnome Syndrome website.

GS_Awards Small
  • Many episodes on the Dailymotion Staff Pick
    (Humor section)
  • More than 150 000 views
  • Invited to the French COMIC CON’ in 2010 and 2011